Week 2 Day 1 (Lecture 3) Multiple Birthing

Twin Homebirth


Triplet Hospital birth ( what’s wrong with the procedure this video?)


International Quadruplet birth (please let me know if I downloaded the right one…I was looking for the English version)

Quintuplet Birth

Are you a Multiple? Are you a Mom of multiples, please leave some juicy information in the comments section and allow us to share in the love! Remember…get creative!

Report: Please list the many ways you can be of assistance to each mother as it pertains to care of each of the babies and the aftercare of Mom postpartum.

73 thoughts on “Week 2 Day 1 (Lecture 3) Multiple Birthing

  1. What i gather from the first video is how calm everything and everyone is… Things move at the mothers and baby’s pace. Mama even made the statement that she didn’t feel like she had just had a baby… after she gave birth to baby number one! I think that’s really saying something!
    Another realization i had is…It’s a twin birth which many most likely view as really NEEDING to happen in the hospital because it’s somehow more dangerous… I see it’s about the story we tell ourselves and how prepared we are mentally and emotionally.

  2. Triplet Hospital birth ( what’s wrong with the procedure this video?)
    The first thing i see wrong… is that she’s flat on her back.

  3. International Quadruplet birth (please let me know if I downloaded the right one…I was looking for the English version)

    I think this is the right one… the father and others were speaking English.. the mother wasn’t though.

  4. In the Triple Hospital Birth I saw various things that I found to be question interesting:

    The nurse who conducted the external fetal monitoring did not introduce herself, I did not sense that she was personable towards the mother. There was so much going on in that one room. In the Doula Book, it states that during a hospital birth multiple nurses tend to be in and out of a room and this can cause anxiety for mother and the baby. The hospital team was not introduced until the birth. I can see how the hospital treated this like a high-risk birth because she had gestational diabetes. When watching a high-risk birth, I always sense a rush and fear from hospital staff, is it really as life-threatening as it is portrayed to be? I wonder how things could have gone differently if she had certain opportunities like in a home birth (i.e. eat and drink more, massaging, etc).
    The mother was restricted in her movements, there was no opportunity to change from the lying-on-back position she was in. There were certain things that the mother asked of during the birth that should have been discussed prior to the birth (i.e. taking the placenta home). I’ve also seen the doctor throw a blanket off of the mother and unto the floor. After the birth of the third child, one of the nurses covered the mother’s chest with a bloody blanket and threw another one on top of her stomach. Just my observations….on what could be considered wrong in this birth.

  5. With the natural birthing of the triplets- whats wrong is that shes on her back, so gravity isn’t a help to her. There was a comment that the birthing mom was tense but there was nothing done to alleviate her tension. It may have been possible to change second baby’s position by allowing mom to change positions.

  6. I wonder how long it took for the mom and dad to be intimate with baby- touching and holding and feeding- that was always an important factor with me as a birthing mom- good insight on how circumstance may need to change with multiply births

  7. Multiple birth myth-busters! WOW! Now i’m curious about the average length of time in between multiple births. When do you start to get concerned? I’m also curious about breastfeeding multiples. Multiples surely require a LOT of support. One baby is a miracle. Multiples are simply remarkable! Watching quintuplet video now.

  8. These women are awesome!! Its a challenge to carry and give birth to one baby but multiples are an entirely different story.

  9. Wow the videos with the multiple births! How amazing! The mother’s (triplet video) position lying flat on her back was not a good position to move the baby down the birth canal; I have enjoyed watching all these videos the lady that gave birth vaginally to twins seem to have a great experience and was so happy after the birth (seemed like she had a good doctor)!

  10. Peace, these videos were very informative, enlightening, exciting and alarming, all at once! I will send you an email with my full synopsis, I remember all of them except one, from last go round, but there were definitely scary, even at the hospital, being they were multiple births.

  11. I knew multiples could get complicated but I have never really seen some of these examples… or even heard about them. I have been wanting twins since I knew I wanted children but this brought on a whole new outlook on both sides of the adventure. Very interesting and beautiful and scary (especially for Mommy).

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