53 thoughts on “Week 4 Day 1 (Lecture 1) Troubleshooting Newborn Care

  1. I remember with my 1st born actually helping her squeeze the poop out her butt by massage the rectum area and push down on the sides of the anal hole. I know that is nasty but I was a 1st time mom and didn’t know what I know now. After that, I made sure to incorporate a little bit of apple juice or prune juice watered down thoroughly to keep her bowels moving. Any holistic remedies?

  2. Good morning, I am present. I can not locate Week 4 Day 2 Lectures. I’ve done a search and nothing comes up. Please help.

  3. These tips are very helpful to share with mothers. I remember experiencing a constipated infant when my daughter was around 5 months. It took me awhile to figure out what was going on. Needless to say, after a few hours of fussiness and tears on both side we got some poop and everything was all better. I think it was scary for me because I didn’t know many people who breastfed and no one told me that breastfed babies can go days without pooping until I call my doula and Mya’s pedi! #FirstTimeMomStruggles

  4. I have only tried the prunes in the past, the liquid prunes that come in the food pouch for the baby. These tips are even better especially for a younger baby that is not ready to be introduced to solid foods.

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