Week 2 Day 1 (Lecture 4) Grief, Loss and Stillbirths

WARNING!!!!!! These videos were created to teach but will make you think about life and the unborn in new ways, I challenge you to take inventory in your own feelings and your own experiences and make a great effort to heal yourself and be better for the women in your care.

After watching the videos, you will be required to journal your own personal story of loss. Either through the loss of a child, a fetus or a loved one, I will ask you to write about it in your journal and see where your feelings are.

Make sure you take care of your feelings  and the emotions they bring up so you can be  better for your clients and the children they bear!

Please call me if you have questions or need some time in conversation!

Ameena (347) 879-9801 (cell)


Tay-Sachs Disease

Miscarriage (after 20 weeks)

Miscarriage (before 20 weeks)




Video 2 –   (abortion begins at 2:45)

Video 3/3

Overcoming Loss

61 thoughts on “Week 2 Day 1 (Lecture 4) Grief, Loss and Stillbirths

  1. Live Abortion video has been removed from youtube as it “violated policy on shocking and disgusting content.” FYI, Queen…

  2. I aborted my child in 1996 and made peace in 2008. My mother transitioned in 2010 and my father in 2011 and my healing process and clarifying moment in 2008, served me well in 2010 and 2011. This is just the first time that I get to write about what I have already transitioned. It is a beautiful place…

  3. I have not personally experienced the loss of a child. My aunt passed away this year. My family is one that is built on a strong musical tradition. As we walked her out of the sanctuary we sang as a family and ushered her spirit in joy and peace. My heart is full right now….. A friend of mine lost his child in the process of labor. He has experienced so many emotions. There is such a tendency to want to put blame at someone’s feet. But, he expressed to me that he wants to sit with his anger and honor his feelings; yet, he wants to have no hard feelings for those on the birth team. These experiences are so rich with emotional complexity.

  4. The abortion video… that was of a live abortion? I found others on Youtube. If you want me to share those links, please let me know.

  5. you know my pain and what i been through and still going through i have really watched this and all i can do is cry cause i so feel the pain of my SON i just lost Nov 5 . this is still hard for me every day but i know i have to be strong for my other children i miss him so much and i can only sit here and think what other mothers may feel writing this i am crying my eyes out with my heart so heavy cause of my thoughts of my son but i know he came and left for reasons but i do find myself asking why when i know i should not he had his reason and i have to live with that no matter how hard it is i am a strong women and i cant wait to be there for mothers who need my help to heal through times like this its not easy but day by day is all you can do. this is my journal and my story . ASE’

  6. good evening……are we writing a journal after watching the videos? How many journals are we suppose to have???

  7. these videos were very hard to watch…I got choked up but I made it through to watch it. I can relate to 2 of the videos. Nobody understands your pain unless they went through it themselves.

  8. I am having a really hard time watching these videos especially the abortion videos. I am extremely emotional and I need a break for a moment.

  9. Extremely difficult to watch these, yet necessary. I have experienced loss in so many ways, yet I have not had to birth a child only to bury them nor have I experienced miscarriages, but the feelings are still much the same, I will be mentally ready for these bellies.

  10. I thought an abortion could only be done within a certain window when the baby is considered a fetus or a cluster of cells? I had no idea the procedure could be done so late in the pregnancy. I have my opinion on this practice being situational… but that’ll be for a discussion elsewhere. I appreciate the insight into these stories. Under horrible circumstances… I do hope these parents were able to grieve and carry on. I hate that women have to go through this planned and unplanned.

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